Full paper manuscript submission is mandatory for those with a provisionally accepted oral abstract. Full paper manuscript submission is optional for those with an accepted poster abstract.
To submit a full paper manuscript for WMC 2023, please use the submission link provided in your abstract notification email, sent to you by the WMC 2023 Secretariat. If you have not received your notification, please email program@wmc2023.org
Full paper manuscript submission must follow the instructions listed below and be submitted online by Midnight AEST, Friday 28 October 2022.
All enquiries regarding full papers for WMC 2023 should be emailed program@wmc2023.org.
Please find below the WMC 2023 Full Paper Submission Template. You are required to use the below template and will be able to upload the word document during the submission process.
Download the Manuscript TemplateThe World Mining Congress Authorities strictly reserve copyright and first publication rights, and the Copyright Form included below must be completed and submitted along with your manuscript. If your paper contains any matter from another source, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain the necessary permission for the reproduction of this matter in the paper from the holder of the copyright. The acknowledgment must be given and a full reference supplied. In order to have your paper published in the WMC 2023 Congress Proceedings, if accepted, the Organising Committee requires you to have completed and submitted your copyright transfer form when submitting your full paper manuscript.
Download the Copyright transfer formDuring the full paper submission process you will be required to provide;
Once you have submitted your full paper you will receive an automated submission successful email.
Authors with a provisionally accepted oral presentation, are mandatorily required to submit a full paper. Acceptance of an abstract does not constitute automatic inclusion in the publication volume, congress proceedings, nor for an oral presentation as nominated by the author. These decisions will be made after the full paper is received and reviewed. Accepted Full Papers will be included in the Congress proceedings. Only a specific selection of accepted full papers will be selected for journal publication.
Authors with an accepted poster presentation, have the option of submitting a full paper, however it is not mandatory. The minimum requirement for a poster paper is the creation and display of a printed poster at the Congress Venue, explained below.
Posters will be on display throughout the Congress, and will be scheduled into a specific poster presentation session. During these sessions, poster presenters are required to be beside their poster, to discuss with WMC 2023 delegates. All posters must be produced in English and a poster format guidelines document will be provided to those with an accepted poster.
The submission of a full paper indicates an understanding of the following rules for participation in the WMC 2023:
If your abstract has been provisionally accepted for oral, it is mandatory for you to submit a full paper. If your abstract has been accepted for a poster, submission of a full paper is optional.
The provisional acceptance of your abstract for oral, does not automatically mean that your paper will be included in the program for oral presentation at the Congress. This decision will be made after the full paper has been reviewed. You will be advised of the outcome.
Full papers are required to be submitted by Midnight AEST, Friday 28 October 2022.
You can save your full paper submission as a draft, and return to it via your submission portal at any time. If you submit the full paper, and it has a status of submitted, and you would like to update the document, please email program@wmc2023.org
Yes, full papers will undergo a review process.
Final approval of your paper, and indication of your presentation type (oral or poster) will be confirmed with you early in 2023. You will then be provided the necessary instructions for preparing to present at the Congress.
Yes all accepted abstract presenters, both oral and poster, need to be registered to attend the Congress. Presenters need to register via the online registration form by 30 September 2022, to indicate your intention to attend. If you are not registered by 30 September, you may not be allocated into the program, or given a poster allocation.
If you submit a full paper, and wish to withdraw the full paper and the abstract, please email program@wmc2023.org
Please contact program@wmc2023.org if you have any questions.
Please direct all full paper submission enquiries to:
WMC 2023 Secretariat
ICMS Australasia
Emma Chalmers